最近天氣非常炎熱 相當適合吃冰 這次泰瑞莎要來介紹 位於行天宮捷運站附近的
Choice Gelato 冰淇淋店,他們家的冰不只是好吃 視覺上也是相當的漂亮 高雅
It's good to have some ice-cream in such a hot day. Therefore, I'd like to introduce you a good place
to have some ice-cream--Choice Gelato ice shop. It is near the XingTian Temple station. (MRT)
紅白搭配的座椅 簡單而不失高雅 旁邊的木櫃放著各式的寄賣品
看起來就很簡單俐落 很適合夏日午後在這邊吃冰 看本短篇文章 當個文青
The decoratin is pretty neat and delicate. You can sit there, eat ice-cream and read short article.
That sounds like a great idea to spend your whole afternoon there,right?
每一種口味都可以試吃 每天的口味都會不一樣 他們家的冰標榜不加化學的
香精 乳化劑 色素等等 新鮮的口感吃的到 主打的水果冰淇淋
吃起來有著雪酪的口感 其中泰瑞莎試吃的木瓜牛奶口味 真的像在喝木瓜牛奶一樣
老闆說 做好的冰 第一天牛奶會會比較濃 放個兩三天 水果味道才會跑出來
精心調配的比例 不添加多餘的糖 讓人一口口都是安心的美味
泰瑞莎還有試吃倫敦之霧 其實就是伯爵茶口味 茶香在嘴中縈繞
久久不能散去 非常適合喜歡喝茶的朋友們 還有比較特殊的斐濟果
吃起來有著淡淡的果香 而愛文芒果 有著濃郁的芒果香甜
百香果則是比較偏酸的口感 奇異果則是忠實呈現奇異果的酸甜滋味
The ice-cream doesn't add any chemical stuff such as edible pigment or fragrance,
so you can eat the plain flavor of fruit. That's a good news to eat healthy ice-cream.
The ice-cream makes like sorbet, and it has the flavor of papaya,black tea, kiwi, mango,
passion fruit and so on. You can try some and decide which one you want.
老闆挖冰很隨興 可是泰瑞莎覺得蠻美的 湯匙是小鏟子的造型 相當可愛
The spoon is made in the shape of a shade. That's really cute. I choose the flavors of kiwi, chocolate,
banana milk and lemon.
香蕉牛奶口味 有著香蕉的香甜 非常好吃 不過比較偏甜的口感
The banana milk smells really good. It's fruity and sweet and I love it.
奇異果冰淇淋 吃的到奇異果的酸 但是卻還有微微的甜味
淡淡的奇異果香 好吃
The kiwi one tastes sour but it truely shows the great smell of kiwi. Terrific.
巧克力是偏苦甜的口感 不過泰瑞莎覺得可能老闆牛奶加的比較多
所以巧克力的香味比較沒有那麼重 但是因為泰瑞莎是個超級黑巧克力控
所以以一般的巧克力冰淇淋來說 表現得相當不錯 而且這造型好像泥土喔XD
The chocoate is the bitter and sweet one. For most people, they might like this flavor
because it tastes neither too sweet nor bitter. However, I think it adds too much milk in it, so the
smell of chocoate is not as strong as the other one I tried in another place.
冰瑪黛茶 據說是阿根廷人的減肥飲品 一開始喝下去的時候其實沒什麼味道
接著才是淡淡的蜂蜜的香甜 有點像蜜茶的味道 相當清爽解渴 吃冰喝這個剛剛好
The Yerba Mate's(Mate Tea) origin is from Argentina. It's flavor is mild but add some honey
makes it taste better.
這檸檬冰淇淋 真是酸的徹底 喜歡酸的朋友們必點!! 有著清爽的檸檬香氣
就像在喝檸檬汁一樣 好酸哪~~~但好好吃(是有沒有那麼被虐XD)
The last one, if you like to try something sour, you'll love this one. The lemon ice-cream is like you're
drinking lemon juice and it's really, really sour, but I love it. You can smell the fresh lemon's
整體而言 Choice Gelato手工冰淇淋
環境也很舒適 優雅
Next time, if you want to eat healthy ice-cream, you
can try this ice-cream shop--CHOice Gelato hand-made ice-cream.
It won't disappoint you.
[台北][口碑券]天然新鮮好甜美~On the Road 義式手工冰淇淋
CHOiCE Gelato 手工冰淇淋
地址: 台北市中山區民權東路二段152巷5弄2號(152巷上)
營業時間:週一、週三至週日,11:30~21:00 ※週二不定期公休
官方臉書(Officeal facebook): Choice Gelato 手工冰淇淋
Address: No. 5, Lane 5, Lane 152, Minquan East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City